About the Board

The members of the Board of Trustees of the Atascocita South Community Improvement Association are homeowners just like you - dedicated to serving the needs of the community and preserving property values. The Trustees volunteer their time to the Association to ensure continuity and order within the community, as well as preserving the ongoing architectural integrity. 

The Board typically meets at 7:00pm, the first Tuesday of the month at the pavilion, 7102 Lonesome Woods Trail, Humble, TX 77346. Please check our News and Calendar for confirmation.

Board of Trustees
Position 1Ben Murray2025position1@atascocitasouth.org
Position 2Amanda Lawrence2023position2@atascocitasouth.org
Position 3JoAnn Hornick2024position3@atascocitasouth.org
Position 4Doug Walker2024position4@atascocitasouth.org
Position 5Kenneth Courville2023position5@atascocitasouth.org

Committee Chairpersons
Architectural Control CommitteeBen Murray 
BeautificationDoug Walker and Amanda Lawrence
CommunicationsKenneth Courville and Amanda Lawrence
Deed Restriction EnforcementAll Members
PavilionAll Members
PoolDoug Walker and Amanda Lawrence
SecurityBen Murray